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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Let's Celebrate! ~ Din & Sab ~

Remember the yesterdays
Plan your tomorrows
and celebrate your today
Happy anniversary to a lovely couple

Another year 2 create
Precious memories together.
Another year 2 discover
New things 2 enjoy abt each other.
Another year 2 strengthen
A marriage that defines forever.
Happy Anniversary! 

~ YusrY & Lisa ~ ToGethEr At Last ~



 Marriott Hotel & Spa, Putrajaya

Mengakui hati masing-masing terpaut lewat perkenalan selama setahun menerusi BBM (Blackberry Messenger), Yusry dan Lisa akhirnya telah mengambil keputusan untuk mengakhiri perhubungan cinta mereka dengan sebuah pernikahan yang akan berlangsung pada 23 Februari 2012 ini di Masjid Tuanku Mizan, Putrajaya dan Majlis Resepsi akan berlangsung di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC) pada 26 Februari dalam satu majis yang serba sederhana.

Dihadiri oleh oleh kedua ibu bapa Yusry, abang sulung, Norman Abdul Halim dan ibu Lisa, terdahulu Yusry mengumumkan pada malam semalam keluarga Yusry telah bertandang ke rumah Lisa untuk menghantar tanda. Walaubagaimanapun, Yusry menjelaskan majlis serba sederhana namun penuh adat itu bukanlah majlis pertunangan, hanya sebagai simbolik bahawa dirinya sudah ‘booking’ si dara sunti.

kredit to
~~ OH BULAN !~~




Yusry KRU memberitahu yang mereka sebenarnya saling mencintai sepenuh jiwa antara satu sama lain dan sikap Lisa Surihani yang sentiasa menyokong kerjaya beliau.

... memilih tarikh 23 Februari 2012 untuk melangsungkan pernikahan dan 23 Februari 2012 untuk majlis resepsi  kedua-dua belah pihak.

&  memilih Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, Putrajaya  untuk majlis akad nikah yang dijadualkan selepas solat Asar. Manakala majlis resepsi  akan diadakan di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC)pada sebelah malam 26 Februari .

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Its HoliDAy! ITs Ice Cream MAn!!

Hey little dude you want some ice cream!

I'm your ice cream man stop me when I'm passing by, all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy.

Life is like a cup of ice cream. 
Even the last drop of ice cream is sweet and enjoyed by one who really likes and loves it.

My lov' for ice cream emerged at an early age .. and has never left!

mY Thousand Dotz !

 making all d' dots..,, reminds me of Steave Jobs & his Dots concept!
" you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. " .. yes i love this!

Monday, December 19, 2011


" tan .. tan.. toot..keladi..wer..wer...
haaaa SAMBONG...akakakakakakak..."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Key ELL Banjir Lorh! ~~ Percayalaaaa

It wuz heavy rain ... for few hours ... KL this evening... ..end up ..KL were stuck in massive traffic jams after flash floods occurred in several areas, with Jalan Tun Razak closed for traffic since about 5.30pm.

more pics .. kredit to CARI & some frenz FB

 view fr. Bernama ~

Wrap Up ~ opis time :-) Time with Boboy @ Boyak @ Boboq'

euww... its raining outside ... lebhat giler.. its time to go now..
& sudden i missed my Boboys ..grrrrrrr....Boyak! Boboq'

ney... i'll c u later hokey ...
nnti kita minom MILO samer2 ...

Wedding Roses

 Dz  wedding cake wuz'  made for a couple, who wanted a basket of flowers, especially roses .. just roses ... I hope thy  like it.
Fruits wedding cake covered in our purple buttercreamo, with handmade roses ...

SERIMUKA dELIMA ~ Huwaaa so Pin'khih!!

'Uh-huh.. again.. huwaa.. its terrible .. its all  turns out  blurry ..

Despite d' Delima looks not really attracting, thank God it tasted good. (aha angkat bakol angkat sendiryyy ) ..
I have a story bout' thnz Blurry Pin'kish Kueh!

well those very pink is not suppose to be that so pun'kish...
sikit2 sudah...lite' sudah...
i've over colored it .. well neway... as long as it is sedap ... blasah jer larh!
another story ....
i've kidnapped almost 200gm of this Pin'kish'z Glutinous rice 
& replaced it with sago pearls .. sedap!!! 

its Durian'z time. so earlier we've made Durian souce .. so those 200gm pulot rice
kena korban dlm itu kuah durian larh.. sikit pon jadilah.. :-)

Those who wish to try ... here u go .. a simple receipe ;-
origanally gotit from Cheff Asma ..
sure jadi punyer .. :-)


Bahan2 (Lapisan Bawah)
500g beras pulut (rendam semalaman or 4 jam)
300ml santan pekat
300ml air + 2tsp garam
20g sago - rendam dgn pwarna pink & toskan
* Rendam pulut , Basuh & toskan.
* Kukus Beras Pulot;santan & air  - 30minit
* Bila pulot dah masak ,gaulkan dgn Sago tadi rata2
& tekan dalam loyang.

Bahan2 (Lapisan Atas)
250g gula castor
100g tepong kastad
400ml santan pekat
400ml air
* Satukan semua bahan dan kacau rata.
* Kemudian masukkan bahan2 dibawah & kacau rata ;
5 biji telur dipukul rata
sedikit pewarna kuning
1/4tsp esen vanilla
1/2 tsp garam

*Setelah semua bahan dicampur rata, tapis ke dalam periuk & masak.
*Kacau hingga naik wap
*Tuang ke atas lapisan pulot tadi & kukus 30minit

Loyang : 10"x10"x2"

My CHox Moist Cake ~ Cik Oshin Punyer

Alamak...pic tak ngam lor... huwaa... niari snapo pakai Cam kiut miut... Cam yg i loike tu wuz taken by d' boys... they having great time on top of Broga Hill now!! Alhamdulillah my boyz managed to panjat Broga after plannit few week..oops days.. (bangun lambat sokmo).

So this Chox.Moist Cake i made last nite .. orderan dari Cik Oshin (FB nye gelaran).. 1st.. she asked for 1 bijik...suddenly yest'dy... "makcikkkk...mama nak tambah semijik lagi leh kewwww" ... of coz my answer is YO Yes :-) .. Thnx darlink... rajinn depa anak branak order kek aku..kuih aku.. Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Allah SWT.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sini sana TAhNiah & Takziah ~ APEK ; RINA ; ERNI

Lama dah tak menggosip ... tak baik taw gossip2... :-) nak2 klu citer tak betul . Jawab ko! Ha yg ni bukan gossip hokey... just nak share sket story & photo... well i prefer photo lar ...

1st TAKZIAH ... Takziah for Apek ( Khairul Fahmi Che Mat ) & family . Adik beliau telah meninggal dunia semalam kerana demam panas @ denggi ...

Khairul Fahmi mengusung mayat adiknya ke tanah perkuburan untuk dikebumikan.

semoga Apek tabah dgn segala dugaan & musibah yg datang . & we olss akan tetap support Apek & Ols d' Gimaus!!


musim cuti skola mmg bnyk org kawin & sunat & tunang whatsoever larh
x terkecually celebs.. & retis2 ...
chekitdawud dibwh!! :-)

RINA Dah Kawin

RINA who?
Rina Omar (once presenter 8TV) married last Sunday
with Jeremy! COGRATS!!
x-quickie ... rembember?
 drummer band.intoxicated

JOM layan pic pre wed rina..
kredit to
masuk blog tu manyak lagi pic pre wed dia :-)


Erni Dekritawati Yuliana dan Khamarulazlan (setiausaha sulit dato masitah)

semoga perkahwinan ini memberi hidup yg lebih ceria utk Erni sekeluarga .. :-)

credit photo to
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